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My name is Boon Peng and I am currently 21 year old resident of Singapore.
I have graduated from Ngee Ann Polytechnics in 2011 earning myself a diploma in Business Studies.

Besides learning about business, I am also a 7th grade vivid drummer in Yamaha Music School. Basically, I consider myself as a team player and energetic guy who is able to handle stress situations and accept constant challenges in the corporate world.

My passion is to learn more about sales and marketing where I would read up more on magazine (Business Times) during my free time.

-Sales and Marketing
-Forex Exchange
-Reading books and magazines

Personal Values and Beliefs

Use your weaknesses; aspire to the strength.
-- Laurence Olivier

The above short quote embodies my personal belief in turning strengths to weakness in life. I truly believe that everyone’s strengths grows out from their weakness and therefore should not see their shortcoming as a failure.

I always keep two rules in my mind; 1. Practice makes perfect. 2. Don’t forget rule number 1.